Love… we make way too much of it

Yes, we make too much of it. But at the same time we don’t make enough of it. What is too much and how can too much also be not enough? What are we making bigger than truth and are we not making enough focus on? We hear others use the it all of the time and yet so often we think that we know what it is only to discover that their it is different than our it.

There are many things that we make more important than they really are and when we make the truly unimportant supreme in our lives then naturally the truly important becomes small and little or not enough. When we make receiving love from another the most important thing in life then we have given away our power and truth. So many teach us that our source of love is from others which is a lie based in ignorance. Yes we can receive it from others, but only when they have love to give and they do not always have it to give. How often do we get frustrated or upset or some other negative emotion? During these moments we do not have love to give. In the depths of depression we seek love from others because we are unintentionally withholding it from ourselves. We make too much importance on what they may do or not do and call it love or something different. We make too big of a deal over what happened yesterday and often what didn’t happen bat we wanted it to. Looking the rearview mirror to see what is before us just doesn’t work. That is like trying to drive forward in heavy traffic by only looking in the mirrors of your car. It can get you hurt and hurt others.

And then in the act of looking for love from others we are making Self-love too little and not enough. Yes it is wonderful to receive love from others, but it is a gift. We don’t deserve their love because they may not have much to give if any at all. We deserve love, but not their love. The only love love that we deserve is our own and we ought to make a very big deal of it. We deserve our Self-love with every cell of our body. This includes our inspired dreams and desires. It creates passion in life and for life. When we make loving ourselves our top priority miracles begin happening in so many ways.

Yes we make too much of the past and too much importance of what we think of others. And we make not enough importance of loving ourself. One of the laws of the Universe says that in order to love another then we must first love ourself. When we love ourself then love is what we naturally give and share with others. In fact it is impossible to not share it with them because we truly love ourself.

Try to make too much of loving yourself and you will find that it is impossible to do and the more that you do it the more that you truly love those you are with. It is impossible to love yourself too much. This is the greatest gift we can give to anyone. Asking for their love so we can feel good is not a gift and so often it is more like a demand that they give it or we will condemn them for it. Make too much of loving yourself and discover the miracle in it because this is what you deserve. You deserve to be loved… by you!!!

With Love, Craig R Durrant

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